Dynamic DNA Labs: Introverts and Extroverts
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Dynamic DNA Labs: Introverts and Extroverts

Dynamic DNA Labs: Introverts and Extroverts

Dynamic DNA Labs Looks at Introverts and Extroverts

Many of us place ourselves into one of two categories: introvert or extrovert. The labels date back to the 1920s and were coined by psychologist Carl Jung. Jung, in a nutshell, stated that extroverted people receive energy from social interactions, while introverted people need solitude to recharge.

Today, we know that most people have a little of both. Introverts do occasionally enjoy social situations, and extroverts sometimes like to read a book on a quiet, rainy day. But where do these inclinations come from? Today, Dynamic DNA Labs takes a look.

Introversion, Extroversion, and DNA

One key difference that determines if you are more introverted or extroverted is dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical released in the brain that provides the motivation to seek external rewards, like making money or climbing the social ladder. When dopamine floods the brain, both introverts and extroverts become more talkative and aware of their surroundings.

However, it’s not that extroverts have more dopamine than introverts. We all generally have about the same amount. It’s how we react to dopamine that makes a difference. When dopamine is released, extroverts tend to buzz with enthusiastic good feelings, while introverts tend to feel overstimulated.

The Arousal Chemical

As stated above, we all have about the same amount of dopamine. But the chemical that responds to dopamine can be very different in different people. Introverts have a lot of the chemical that makes them feel stimulated. Extroverts don’t. This is why introverts tend to avoid crowded places or high-pressure deadlines.

Adding more stimulation to what is already present tends to overstimulate introverts, while conversely, extroverts need to seek these situations out. Studies have also shown that extroverts pay more attention to human faces, while introverts have a higher level of brain function in regions associated with learning and motor control.

Can We Change from One to Another?

We can’t change our DNA (at least not yet). So if you’re an introvert, you’re probably going to be one for life. You’ll likely always enjoy spending time alone and continue to get more easily drained by socializing. Our personalities, however, can and do evolve.

You will find introverts at a concert or a football game, just as you will find extroverts quietly feeding geese at the park. Most people aren’t so locked into these traits that they can’t enjoy socializing or quiet time.

Dynamic DNA Labs

Dynamic DNA Labs is a state-of-the-art genetics lab that specializes in advanced DNA testing. At Dynamic DNA Labs, we strive to help people understand themselves better, which, we believe, can lead to healthier, happier lives. Whether you’re trying to take a more personalized approach to your health, or learning about your family’s past, Dynamic DNA Labs can help.

If you would like to learn more about Dynamic DNA Labs, contact us or check out our website today.